Club Ambrosia- As meh as the name implies

At various events of my childhood they served something called ambrosia. I googled it just to make sure it's not something limited to my weird region of the world and yeah, you probably know ambrosia. It has canned pineapple and mandarin orange and maybe jell-o and whipped cream and it's pretty much like a lot of the various events it was served at were- ok but given a choice I'd rather do or eat pretty much anything else. Just give me the can of pineapple, you can keep all that other stuff.

That's why Club Ambrosia is so aptly named. It's ok, but I'd pretty much rather go anywhere else.

Let me say that I generally don't give negative reviews, I just won't write about a place or a product if I don't like it. Unless it's a scam or something, you won't read bad reviews on this blog.

Ambrosia, however, is in the rarefied air of the Second Life destination guide, so I thought I should review it. Also, my first trip there was absolutely terrible so a friend and I went back yesterday morning to see if I just had a bad experience or if this place really sucks.

It doesn't suck, it's just a mediocre place. Details why, another picture, and a slurl below the jump.


I don't want to go down a negative spiral and list all the issues I had with this place. I've worked in a few SL clubs in all capacities so I feel I know them pretty well and I don't want to beat this place up based on spending just an hour or two there. 

My review is ultimately this- Ambrosia's hostesses were 2/2 with being unavailable. The first trip, the woman was flirting with a customer in local and had no time to greet any of us. The second time, the hostess was actually afk or offscreen and only intermittently actually greeting people. 

However, shoutout to the girl on the left in the picture above. Her tag said she was a dancer but she was doing the hostess job better than the hostess, who wasn't really doing it at all.

The music wasn't my thing. The first time the DJ was the owner and it was old pop dance stuff like you might hear at a very lame Howard Johnson's motel bar in the 80s. At least he talked to us on the stream. The second time the music was like synth-dance mash-ups. Let me just say there was a mash-up with the Sponge Bob theme while I was there. I believe he also spoke to us, but it was kinda mumbly and might have been recorded bumpers. 

Anyway, all of this sounds like I hate the place, it's just not my thing. If you want a club just for the socializing with other people in IM, I'm sure it's great when there are people there. I like to go and interact with the music and the DJ and the regulars and this place just doesn't have that vibe.