
 In the destination guide it says to "keep an open mind" as you walk around Darya which is of course why I picked it immediately.

And I landed...and there is a groop join request that hits you and it's a 500 linden join!

I usually join the groups of the places I visit a lot, but I thought that the instant invite with a pretty decent price tag on it was a little much. I want to get to know you first, Darya! 

So I thought that might be what I'm supposed to keep my mind open about as I trudged into the build and accepted the environment experience.

Not long after, I was intrigued and had a pretty good idea that "keep an open mind" means "you're gonna see some crazy cool stuff." 

In my experience photo places fall into a few categories and this one doesn't because it's a little bit of all of them, plus art.

The big thing here is that the shared lighting environments are great, and yes, that's plural because depending where your avatar is standing could change the lighting of the place completely so do be sure to walk your avatar around.

If you're looking for an amazingly dramatic coastal scene, or a trees and cliffs landscape, or a fantasy crystal and particle scene- you can probably find that here as well as a cartoonish or whimsical version! There are artistic sculptures and there are pastoral scenes and there are black light glowing particle mushrooms and crystals.

It has a LOT of different elements so it's worth spending time to see this place. There are several hang out spots to sit and cam from or pose it.

I've only brushed the surface of this place and I've been here an hour, I look forward to getting to know Darya as it seems like a great place for vibing or taking pictures. Watch out for the group joiner when you arrive, it's not a free one, and also keep an open mind because you will see some crazy, cool and unexpected things.


Flickr group