Souls of Dreams

 Sometimes I ramble about things and then worry that my rambling gets glopped over onto the review of the place I happened to be having my meltdown or epiphany or whatever I have going on.

This rambling is actually inspired by the place I'm reviewing, so I thought I would get that right out there. Becca learned a lesson today and she learned it at Souls of Dreams.

Ok so firstly Souls of Dreams  Slurl and Flickr.

I usually visit two or three places and then some place will really click for me. I cam around here and there and if nothing really floats my boat I hop on to another place and lather, rinse, repeat until some place makes me go WOW and I blog it.

Lately it has troubled me that perhaps I'm just being bitchy for a while and not giving these places a fair shake, so I landed at Souls of Dreams and decided I was gonna just sit and "let it rez" which is Becca lexicon (the Bexicon) for "slow down and shut up a while."

I'm really glad I did.

Souls of Dreams is a great build and should be home to a lot of great pictures. Maybe my settings were off but I believe the default was dark when I landed and I went with it, I took a bunch of pics with the shared environment and then tried a few of my faves as well.

The thing that I learned most from with "let it rez" is that there is a train at Souls of Dreams that I had completely missed when I was going my casual search around the place, and I literally have been thinking about doing a train pic. 

So, if you chill and let the vibes wash over you, you might get good things, like this place, Souls of Dreams.