Blues Clubs Besides Fogbound

 I went to Fogbound Blues Club for a long time a long time ago and would still stop in once not so long ago, but it's CRAZY lagged there for those of us not blessed with a flux capacitor level processor in their computer. 

In fact I wanted to blog some blues clubs because I like the blues especially and I started at Fogbound. I was waiting for last of everyone's clothes to pop from linden gray to whatever color they were supposed to be and got hung up and crashed. The whole experience was frustrating, but gave me the idea to highlight blues clubs besides Fogbound.

Now, dear reader, I still love Fogbound. What I want here is for some of those bearded hipsters and fashionistas to take their laggy butts somewhere else, and here are the somewhere else's we can call home until then.

First, here's a picture of Fogbound as it appeared after my crash. This is not an unusual type view of this place for me, you should see it when it's really crowded, lol.  

The big reveal about where we went and pics after the jump.

So going to Crossroads Front Porch is not that big a shock, right, it's a great club with lots of traffic and great blues. We estimated there were slightly fewer people there than at Fogbound but FAR less lag. In fact my avie and my friend are still there grooving as I type. (And yes, that would normally be a breach of SL etiquette but she's also blogging something ;p

Anyhoo, Crossroads Front Porch. Highly recommended.