So here's something fun.
Each week there's an official SL Flickr challenge and you win exactly nothing! But it really is fun.
The last two weeks have been little scorecards to fill out- last week was "Have you Ever" and the week before was your five favorite places in SL

This beauty is from three weeks ago, the black and white challenge, which I found very fun and challenging because with black and white there's always that sense that you can do one just a little better until you go crazy.
Details of where to get the info after the break.
So the place to get all the info is the overview page of this Group- Second Life Challenge Official.
You'll find a link right there to the discussion that gives you instructions!!
They update it Monday morning-ish and it usually runs for a week.
I was just looking at someone's pics and they did this week's challenge but didn't submit it to the Official Group! Be sure you do so we can all see and enjoy!
You can also post your works on other social media with the hashtag #SecondLifeChallenge and usually whatever other hashtag they give you in the instructions!.