They're Coming! New Bellisseria Houses Ready to Drop

 Those wonderful moles have been very busy in Northeastern Bellisseria lately!

We went for a walk up through the new railroad lines the other day and there are a bunch of new log homes ready to pop. I didn't get a pic of any but several of them have that weird floating text with all linds of details about the home too. I have no idea how it all works, but I'm saying there are batches of houses in varying degrees of ready up around the railroad tracks.

And let me add how much I love the railroad! The little junction stations are adorable and the bridge expanses are beautiful. Actually, all the land I've seen in northern and eastern Bellisseria is gorgeous, flowers and bridges and tunnels through mountains, it is so much fun to explore!

I'm looking forward to the stilt houses, and to the "next theme" and "next theme" that Patch Linden teased about the other day. Eleven in all? Yay! Yes please!