Indiana Jones and Penguins at White Veil

 I had no idea what to expect when I went to see White Veil by Bryn Oh and Cica Ghost and I'm not sure if I saw it all or have any sort of clue as to what happened but wow dis we have fun! There's a bunch of huge snowballs rolling down a hill that you need to run up. If the snowball hits you you're back to the beginning.

There are blue discs that give you your own electric hamster ball to run up the hill in for a moment or two and there are white blocks and then, when you get to the top of the hill there's a tower and there are magnets, I have no idea what I was doing. 

I made it almost to the top a couple of times but restarted a bunch too and had a friend with me and we were able to TP each other back up to try the tricky parts a few times. It was fun as heck whatever we were doing and then we found the penguins

There are a A LOT of penguins. And people mixed in studying them I guess. I loved them. I hope this sticks around a while but stuff like this usually doesn't. Oh and there are penguin gachas. 

Check it out here, it's fun!