Old Town Winterland is Wintastic

This is the second post in a few days where I found a place and now I need to recruit a couple to come do the romantic parts and report back. This one looks really fun, "The Esplanade" at Old Town-Winterland. It's an ice path that goes all the way around the region allowing couples to skate side by side for ten minutes. I learned about it on the balloon ride tour.

Now don't get me wrong, I were on a date or even chatting with one of my usual blogging pals a sixteen minute balloon ride would be too short, but I rode this one by myself and actually read all of the tour stuff and sixteen minutes is a long time in that scenario, especially when the shared environment at the time was night. 

But on the tour I learned that the whole Winterland thing was originally done by a photographer named Bekks. It's a beautiful build.  The rate of snowfall is just gorgeous and there is so much fun stuff scattered around you're going to find the backdrop to your new favorite winter picture. 

Also- horseback riding, snowmobiling, zip lines, snowball fights, it's quite a place!

In addition to Winterland, there are other themed builds at Old Town you can teleport to but I only explored the winter area since I'm dressed so fabulously for winter. I will go back and explore the others though, the list according to the lovely bot that greeted me-

Boho Storybook 
Cloud 9 
Isla Beach 
Old West 
Old Town 
Undersea Cove 
Winter Lake -just past the train

The big draw to Old Town- Winterland for me tho is skating- there is a big skating area as well as the Esplanade. I went and looked at the Esplanade starting point and I think it's just for couples, but there is a huge open ice lake for singles like me also!

Check out Old Town Winterland! You will find a great picture there and don't forget to put a decoration on the tree near the landing!
the kids wanna rock