Ordinary Goods Opens on Marketplace

 So now I sell stuff.

Haha. Let me restate that to now I HOPE to sell stuff.

I had an idea I wanted to make textures for things because I love working with textures and Photoshop and I LOVE vintage tin and porcelain advertising signs, so I made a few. First I messed around with Blender, which was a lot of fun. I used to work a lot with 3d Studio Max back in the day and it was nice to work with 3d modeling again.

Not that a flat sheet of mesh was all that challenging, but it was cool to mess with baked textures and occlusion maps before abandoning the whole mesh idea and redoing my textures for prims.

Yes, I know. Why?
Well, I could get far better performance from one standard prim than from a mesh object. Level of detail, editability, all the arrows pointed to standard prims.

So anyway, Ordinary Goods has launched (link!) and will feature lots of trinkets and decor for your Second Life!

Starting with the Paradise Marijuana signs. Fictional, the name a tribute Kerouac's narrator in On the Road, Paradise is based in New York, Denver and San Francisco. There are four signs in all, three are for sale individually and one is available as part of the fatpack.

Copy/mod, one land impact each, get your vintage tin signs here

I love the romance and urgency of the Beatniks and of course they gave us Kesey and the Pranksters who gave us Hippies and the Grateful Dead. Ok, that's a pretty major simplification, but it does all start with those Post War Beats and their cool cat vibes. Pick up some of that for your SL home from yours truly and Ordinary Goods! :)

Finally and most importantly- huge thanks to my beautiful friend Carol for being my model in these pics for the posters!