Walking around in David Rumsey's Maps

 It's as if the gods read my blog and send me things like David Rumsey's Maps.

Now, according to this article in the Second Life Destinations blog, the gods have been holding out on me since like 2008 or so, but better late than never.

If you read this blog then you know that maps, especially the SL map is a thing I love, so to be able to geek out about RL maps in my happy lil SL avatar was a joy. It's a huge area devoted to some really cool visual presentations of classic maps. 

You can walk along a very old hand drawn map to Osaka. You can visit New York in 1836. You can sit inside a globe and look at the night sky as drawn on a 1792 map. Just amazing stuff, educational, interactional, two thumbs up and a very strong thank you to David Rumsey for providing this amazing build!