Go raibh míle maith agat

I think this is Gaelic for "Thanks a Million" but not literally, I like the literal translation of this better- something to the tune of "May you have a thousand good things"

I truly truly wish that for my friend in gratitude for this- check THIS out-

No more soggy bottom on GTFO runs for this bikini hauler. My friend bought me a boat! Can you believe this? I am so grateful and thrilled with this amazing craft! The best part is that she got one for herself as well so that she can GTFO too, or just cruise us around Belli in style <3

And style it is! This is the Bandit SRV210 Competition. This boat smarter than I am and I have loved every minute in it so far.  

I have the best friends in any world and this one is getting her own blog post to thank her, because she won't let me thank her any more in-world. 

You will see this boat in many many future posts and bikini hauls. I hope that when you do you think about calling one of your friends and seeing how they are doing, these are tough times and we can all use a check-in once in a while. 

Now we need a name-  SS Minnow? Das Boat? Boaty McBoatface?

More delicious boat pics-