
 Gotham, performed by Delain Canucci, was totally awesome. The particles, the music, the gravitas, the whole thing was fun and entertaining. As you know by now, I am as shallow a news source as you can get so I read the sign and then took a picture of it so I wouldn't have to go much reporting;


I accidentally wandered into a dance for the second anniversary of Bellisseria, all of which is painstakingly and wonderfully reported by some great people, I'm just inept. But I was out  boating in Costner Bay and saw there was a party at the Fairgrounds, stopped in, and learned that while I missed the premiere of the particle show, there would be a second showing and I made it a point to be there.

Was not disappointed. A clever narrative involving the DC Comics universe and some amazing music and choreographed particles followed. Thank you again to all the people that do these wonderful things for us in Second Life!! Pics follow:

and, (here's a link to the whole show I found).