The Hidden Thing

 Ok this is a true story, names excluded to protect people who have no idea I'm in my jammies writing about them. Not that they'd mind I bet, but I digress.

So I stumbled into the dance at Bellisseria Fairgrounds the other night, out for a toot in muh boat and discovered a party. At the party, I met someone I know from Flickr and we talked about Bellisseria and she told me about an easter egg she'd just found.

Well she told me where it was and it was on my way home from the fairgrounds, so I decided to boat home and stop at the easter egg on the way home. If you've boated with me on open water then you know that I like to go fast and well, I was still going fast when I went down that lil chute of a river near Effing Parade.

Yes, my favorite region name. 

I was going quite fast and the Belli Dancer is wearing Barbie Pink paint right now, so apparently that attracted the attention of an awesome new friend who literally JUMPED IN MY BOAT!

Well, I had nothing to say but Welcome! as I was going way too fast for conversation and when I finally slowed down near the destination, it turns out she knows all about it and calls it The Caravan. 

Fast forward and she has given me a list of things to see in Bellisseria, it's awesome. I love discovering things on my own though, so I WILL show this stuff on my blog here but not so as to ruin anything. You still have to find it yourself and I am only showing a little of what I find if I get it from this list. I'm not a cheaterpants.

So first, here's a place you can boat to in Belli with a secret hidden lair! My friend and I went back there the next day, so the pics are not the person that jumped in the boat.