Siren's Isle

 I've been trying to get out of Belli at least a couple of times a week lately because I realized I was starting to think of "Mainland" as something besides Second Life, so when I was asking a friend about places on the Blake Sea and she told me about Siren Isle I jumped at the chance to go.

Apparently everyone in SL except me knows about Siren's Isle, so I'll just provide a slurl and tell you my amusing tale. 

My friend said that people park their boats, hang out, dance and people watch.

So we park her boat and we're dancing on the bow and people watching and she says "It's the mainland, expect anything"

And then a 90 foot blue neko walked up out of the water like Godzilla and stood around a while, then walked back into the sea.

Yes, I need to get out of Belli more.