DJ Chuckey's show at the Bellisseria Fairgrounds yesterday was amazing. Not just because the music rocked us all the way from our lil mesh toes to our amazing pixel hair but also because her typist was under the weather and she still rawked the house! 

As with all of the amazing BIG SPLASH ADVENTURE OASIS WATER PARK parties I've been slobbery over onna SLuggle it was a blast. I love all you people madly and have the best time ever at them.

Also, thank you Xaan for the word NASWERT, and thank you Krys for bringing it to our attention. I plan to begin over-using it with the title of this post. For those of you who were not at the party, Xaan was working on typing the word "answer" and it came out "naswert" and a legend was born.

 Next FG show is DJ Krys and starts at noon o'clock on Sundeh! May the naswert be with you!