old family pics, part the first

ok so I have been incredibly busy standing around watching my friends work. 

no, seriously, I told you I have the best friends in the world right?

Many of you that are reading this right now ARE those friends and please give yourself a lil hug from Becca cause she loves you.

Even if you don't know me, give yourself a hug too.

As you all know I can't even rez things without the chance of miscue so my talented friends Eva and Bela have using their amazing talents for a project and I am incredibly excited about it. 

That's the tease.

 I will write about it fully when I'm able to. Right now I'm so excited by the whole thing all I do is babble and get in the way- my strengths in any project. 

So in the meantime, I had some great pictures from various events I've been to over the past few weeks and wanted to share them! 

And because I'm lazy and totally loving my new role of Chief Officer in Charge of Freaking Out About Everything on this project, this is a great way to post something without neglecting my standing around duties. It's also kinda handy tho as I do go to a lot of stuff that never gets blogged- here's some!