The Scarlett Hotel


"Well I mean it is Death Row Designs, they make some of the most incredible things," my friend said when I was fangirling hard about The Scarlett Hotel.

The irony here was that this same friend is the one that told me about the Scarlett Hotel in the first place, this morning at a party. Also, this is one of those friends that literally knows all the cool places so you always, always pay attention to her when she says something is awesome. 

And she said it was so immersive she had a nightmare with stuff in it from the Scarlett Hotel. 

Lemme just back up a sec and do that one again in slow motion (read this next bit really slowly please)

a place in Second Life was so immersive it gave her nightmares!

there's that immersive word again and I couldn't imagine anything in Second Life that would scare me other than what I spend on shopping and system hair. I had to see this.

Now part the first- I am terrified of giving spoilers.

Part the second- I don't know how long this is open*, so you might want to just trust me and go now, especially if you're a big fan of mysteries and solving things. Here's a SLURL, the rest of us will catch up in a minute.

So as my friend said and I quoted, this is from Death Row Designs (Slurl, marketplace) so this is a slice of awesome. High quality, high attention to detail. 

It's listed under Halloween things on the destination guide but the fact they have such an awesome website makes me hope it will stay around. The aforementioned website and specifically the Scarlett Hotel page. If that's not cool enough you can buy the original soundtrack

So- I tread carefully here to not spoil a thing but basically you land and get a hud, join the group for 5 lindens if you want, read the tutorial and the rules (nothing too taxing and trust me, it's me sayin' that). 

You make your way from there through a gorgeous build and as you get to the hotel the hud starts to give you lil stories in local that lead you to solving a whole list of mysteries that your hud keeps track of. 

Now, this is me so I was actually AT the hotel before I realized I forgot the hud and hadda cam back to the landing to get it, so for all I know it sings love songs to you as you walk around the town, I just know it has stuff to say when you're in the hotel for sure.

It works like this- the hud might say something to you in local about the area around you and you look around and find something that fits what it was saying and click it etc. Read what the hud says in local, think about what it's telling you, act accordingly, it's fun as heck.

Just the area itself is worthy of a blog post as a picture place, it's gorgeous and worth time exploring just for a place to take pics. Add a dozen or so compelling and immersive mysteries and you've got a full day or two ahead of you. Plan to stay a while, this is not a rush through it event!

I solved one mystery and started blogging so now I'm going back in for more. Here's the Slurl again, See you there.

*update! they are super nice and got back to me and said it will be around awhile, like Christmas maybe, don't rush and don't miss this place!!!