Giselle Hair Fatpack- ONE LINDEN!

Who doesn't love a bargain?

The hair and baseball hat in the above picture are one piece, and it's available on Second Life Marketplace as a FATPACK for 1L! ONE!

I was in the middle of blogging another great bargain, the Cuddle Campfire, and felt the occasion called for a baseball hat. I fired up Marketplace and found the The Giselle Hair Fatpack from JellyRoll. For the price I did not expect much. A few minutes later I knew I would be writing about it.

Here are a couple of pics I took for that blog post when I thought I was still blogging about the campfire;

Nice hat, decent hair, right? It costs one linden!
What you get:
In the package is a hud to change the color of the hat and choose from several "cute and quirky sayings." There is also a hud for each of the color sets- Blond, Brunette, Grayscale, Reds and Bolds. Also, a feature I always appreciate with long rigged mesh hair- it comes with both regular and busty sizes.

The review:
The hair is ok, not great. It will be perfect for photo shoots but I probably wouldn't wear it out "on the street." There's a tiny flaw in one section of the back that would drive me crazy if I paid normal hair prices, or wore it for any length of time.

But did I mention it's only one measly linden. For the Fatpack? 

Flaw picture below, you can see it's a dark and light strand not working together as a team;

I was not crazy about the colors when I first put the Blond hud on, but I found one that grew on me quickly and when I got to the Bolds I was a fan of whoever put the colors together. There are a few gorgeous colors in each of the color sets that will be perfect in future photo shoots or wearing to some sportsy-outdoorsy event I'm sure.

I was curious if this is a re-textured full-perm mesh or an original creation by JellyRoll and can't really tell, and for the price I don't really care. The textures are good, colorful, original, and will work great in pix where you need a hat. 

I did do a little snooping, and everything from JellyRoll on MP is one linden while the owner takes an SL break! Guess who's going shopping again? 

I may never get the Cuddle Campfire review finished at this rate!