This is a picture from my flickr last week, I really hope that people come to their senses soon and stop quibbling over masks and start using common sense. I understand the whole personal freedom thing very well but feel strongly in serving the larger good before serving oneself. What's happening in Sturgis breaks my heart.
Not that masks is the whole thing- the people that really need to stop quibbling are the effing politicians. People need to stay home and they can't do that if they can't afford it, so let's stop bombing some poor village somewhere and use that money to feed our own people.
/me falls off soap box.

Deets of the outfit and more pics below the jump!
The hair is Drew by Wasabi. I blogged it!
The shirt is by Addams! I blogged it as well!
I'll be blogging the necklace soon I'm sure as it's a favorite and gorgeous, so stay tuned or ask about it in the comments! I'll also dish on the skin and all that too, just ask, I always assume no one truly cares.
Here's another pic from that shoot I used on Insta three weeks ago.
Thank you for reading! Please be smart out there!