My friend Jenna captured this pic of me and our friend Timothy as we were figuring out where to go clubbing the other day. I absolutely love it.

We ended up going to Rockin' Robin Retro Club because we're all old.
Update- we went back after I wrote this and had very similar results, good crowd and definitely some real people in the mix, good tunes and a great hostess. The region was restarting while we were there and everyone left with alacrity when the warning came up and we didn't go back, but we will again!
This was another one I probably should go back to at a peak time, but it is listed in destinations so it should be all peak time, yes? It was a fine experience, there is nothing wrong here, but it's just the place was kinda quiet for this many people.
The music was good, the hostess was super awesome. Poor woman was trying to get a very dead room to come alive. There were a lot of people there, no one talking in local, well except Timothy who elevates inane chatter to absurd art.
Yes, him. Do not engage.
Slurl, review and a couple more pics after the jump.
Do you ever go to one of these clubs that are full of people and no one is talking? Are they ALL in IM? Why did they come to a club at all? And if there are singles there, didn't they come to a club to meet people? How will they meet people? Also, why aren't they IMing me?
Maybe some of them are just there to look like it's crowded? Avatars doomed to a life as duck decoys.
Not that that's the case with Rockin' Robin. They would be robin decoys, not ducks.
People came and went, people tipped, people answered when the hard-working hostess said hi, it was a good club and the tunes were great. There were definitely some real typists there in the mix.
The local chat was just about empty other than that though, so if you and your chums go to just IM each other and you like oldies, go and enjoy!
I liked the place enough that I will go back, and if I happened to be there at a bad time and local is more hopping when I do go back, I will update this article!!
Slurl to Rockin Robin Retro Club