Let's Go Bowling!

 One of the things I like to do in Second Life is go bowling. Have you tried it? It's surprisingly fun and the actual game play seems random enough that once you get the hang of it you can be as good as the next guy quickly.

There are a thousand places to go bowling so I won't bother to recommend any as it's really just finding the vibe you like and a place that's not laggy. 

You might even look around one day and notice that your favorite bar or club has some lanes gathering dust. It really is fun, give it a try!

More and a slurl after the break.

The only knock is that with most bowling systems there's a timer on your turn. If you're drinking and hanging with friends it's easy to oops your turn. If there's a system that lets you turn that off, go get it. 

I went to Essence for these pics. There was no lag and the lanes were empty. The whole place was empty so if that's good for you, go here.