Meet Pookie!
I got him at 16b 17b whatever the last SL celebration was. (There appears to be some confusion in my folders as to what we just celebrated this summer).
Anyhoo, Wild Kajaera was giving away animals at the birthday thing and I just found mine and rezzed him. I love him already. He's a ferret and I named him Pookie and he's two days old as I type this.
I know that many of you are looking at your calendars and wondering if this crazy woman really just discovered SL breedables in 2020, and yes, the answer is yes I did. I knew about them, no one ever gave me one before.
And I don't plan on breeding Pookie, because apparently at that point they turn into gremlins and you have to feed them. I did not know that, I had to go to the Wild Kajaera store and find out. I'll tell you all about that trip after the break.
First of all Wild Kajaera is huge. Second of all, they had an actual customer service person right there when I landed and she was one of the most helpful people I've found in an SL store.
I went to the store because Pookie has a number over his head that kept going down and I was pretty sure that meant I would have to go buy something. My helpful customer service friend assuaged my fears- Nope. Unless I breed him, he will stay like this and I don't have to buy him a thing. The number above his head is energy, he will nap when it gets too low.

Like maybe he would like to nap on this special ferret bunk bed? Or curl up in the ferret red wagon? Or maybe Pookie would like some sweaters or a letterman jacket. I can even buy special trees he'll climb.
So, once Wild Kajaera assured me I wouldn't have to spend any more spacebux on my pet, I immediately wanted to buy everything. I didn't, yet, but guess who will be getting a sweater soon.
So far I've been very happy with my pet. There are some adorable cuddles that come with him, I can walk him around my property and stuff. I did have some problems with some of the animations but I'm sure it's because I'm an idiot, not a problem with the ferret.
It's only day two of our new lives together, I'll let you know how it goes with him as time goes on!