Allhallowtide, Everlong

Have you tried to get to Cica's Halloween lately? Is it still there?

I ask because I was going to list it in my list of Halloween stuff to do, and I checked search to double check it was still there and couldn't find it. Checked again just now. Nope.

I love everything about Cica's work except how quickly it goes away!

So I was moody about that and looking through my old pics and found this one of a place that no longer exists called Everlong.

As it is the beginning of Allhallowtide and All Saints Day, the nuns in their wimples caught my eye as a possible flickr post. 

And then I wondered who else has pics of Everlong sitting around? How about Cica's past exhibits! I hope you're like me and trying to get these awesome pics off the hard drives and out for people to enjoy!

Allhallowtide is the season of remembering the dead.  How appropriate to remember our favorite sims with pictures at this time! Get them out and onto flickr!