Evryting Pyri!


Yesterday I left you wondering what the mystery island is, and I really hope you do look at it on the map because it is so different and cool.

We went ashore and walked up a hill and were welcomed by a huge sign to the Pyri Fun Fair.

The big ride is a tunnel of love that quickly turns into a maze! I don't want to give too much away in case you want to go there, but let me say I wandered around in the maze for like a solid minute before something killed me and I had to start over.

So we discovered this place late in my friend's day so when we both got killed quickly we decided to go back the next day. In between, I googled the place and OMG. I thought we had discovered something new and happening and I found a YouTube video from 2011 showing the secrets of how not to get killed. 

And then ZOMG I discovered this thing- A WIKI ABOUT SL GEOGRAPHY! YES PLEASE! It told me the whole history of Pyri!

So once we knew the story it was just kitschy fun to go through and get the freebies and get killed a bunch of times, we had a great time and I hope you get out and explore SL, you never know what you'll find!