Got Bots?

 Normally I would just shrug and find another club but;

1) My friend Jenna is currently DJing in empty clubs that follow the bot rules, trying to build traffic the honest way.

2) This club is routinely in the "What's Hot Now in SL" section of the destination guide.

3) This was the most egregious example of a bot-filled club I have seen since the old days of burying a room full of bots in the basement of the club.

So here's what I'm talking about-
My friends and I were looking for a club to dance at the other morning and found The A & J Nightclub, no they don't get a slurl. The place was packed, we were psyched!

The first clue was that when we landed, the stream was a Geico commercial. I've worked in and been in a lot of SL Clubs and have never seen this many people stay at a club tuned to a radio station.

The second clue was that the place was silent. No one saying anything. Dead local chat. This many people, you know someone is gonna have an ass slapper and they will use it.

Third clue, my friend Timothy said in Local things like "Is anyone here? Please speak up if you're here" and there was no peep for seven minutes and we left.

And we will never return.