Yes, You Can Get There from Here

 One of my best friends and her new man have gotten into flying lately and they are always buzzing around in new places which is of great interest to me. We were talking about their travels and they said they were unable to fly from Bellisseria to another friend's new stilt house because there's no open route.

This sounded like a challenge to me so the next day my friend and I grabbed our jet skis with the hope of finding a way from our friend's stilt house to my house in eastern Belli. 

Now, I knew that we can get from my place to the stilt houses on jetskis, but what I didn't know was that our friend lives in the stilt houses that are due North from Belli, not the ones to the NE I've travelled to on jetski. Well, challenge accepted.

It turns out that you can in fact get there, there's a beautiful corridor between the two huge stilt house areas and after some time spent lost we found it. I'm not giving the deets here, but there IS a way to do it in jetski, I'm waiting for my friends to try it in their plane.

On that note, I love the stilt house neighborhoods and the dune buggy rez zones all over the place. I was looking for a boat rez zone as I crashed, and after some trial and error was able to find the symbol on the map for them- and happened to notice that the map symbols for rez zones has changed? 

I didn't research this very long because we were adventuring, but I do hope rez zone symbols, if new, will get a little bigger, these old eyes can't see that small!

So our adventure-

Stilt house;

Sadness map;

Made it to my house, let's dance!