Becca Bikes Belli

 Well, I have no intention of sticking to just a bike, and I'm a little afraid that if I call the new posts "Becca (Bikes, Bops, Boops, Bangs, Busks, Banks, Bilks, Bobs) Belli" then it will be too much like Debbie Does Dallas and I don't want anyone thinking this is that kind of blog. So I don't know what I'll call it but I am starting to go to land places now in Bellisseria, traveling by Planes Trains and Automobiles. 

Or in this case a little freebie from Consignment. I was a complete bust with this thing the first four or five times I tried to use it, literally turned straight down and drove myself into the ground after some varying amount of time each time I got on the thing, which was too bad because it's adorable.

So today I dug it out to give it one last chance for the blog and drove around my back yard and soon also the neighbor's back yards and then yep, right into the ground. The thing is uncontrollable for driving around Belli.

I dismounted, took it back to my inventory and remembered that it would rez in that same useless in the ground position and vowed I would defeat this thing. 

So I hopped on. Discovered that it has a menu. 


Yes, favorite new flying toy, LOVE this thing!

Ok well so after I wrote all that I went to fly from my home up to see the progress the Moles are making on the railroad and stuff to the north of where I live and I was flying along on my scooter and doing my best to follow the roads or water from above so as not to trip too many alarms and it was wonderfully smooth sailing almost all the way to my destination.

Then, not. 

I was ejected from my vehicle and on the ground, bam. This happens in planes too, someone said it's an instant eject orb. Whatever it is it took the starch right out of my flying scooter.

I was frozen in place so I TP'd home and was able to move again and decided I needed a better strategy for biking Belli. I will let you know next time what I find!