Drivers of SL BBB Rally


I know I probably start a lot of sentences, paragraphs, blog posts with that exclamation but I did the BBB Drivers of SL Rally today and was completely blown away. 

You put on a Hud, you follow the directions on the hud (or even do autopilot along the route!) and it  guides you along through a rally route! 

And what a route, omg! There's a section you drive, a section you drive a train, several boat sections and several walking areas. The whole thing was amazing.

There was a train ride from Pugwash to Campwich which was prolly my favorite part, and they included a train and a boat in case you didn't have one and at the end of the rally you get a free car!

Now it wouldn't be Becca's SL if something weird didn't happen, and on this trip, at Campwich I said Hi to another avi and asked if they were having a good time and they said yes and then suddenly they were in my boat! haha! 

It was a lovely gal does the rallies with the hud from Drivers of SL quite regularly. The rest of the route after Campwich I had already done a couple of times as part of the BBB rally route so between the two of us we were a formidable team, and I was glad to help as she didn't have any boats small enough to get under some of those low Belli bridges.

So I had intended to do this rally tomorrow, (yes, I had the day wrong) and when i realized it was today many people were just finishing and the president of the BBB was there greeting people which I thought was a nice touch.

The whole thing was amazing really and the HUD from the Drivers of SL group especially so.

Check out the hud in the pics!