Riding Lessons

 I promised I wouldn't name names but a certain mouse just schooled the crowd that had assembled to ride the mechanical bull at Bellis Blues Cafe (slurl), which is a fabulous place to hang out and hear blues in Belli every Monday at 10am SLT! 

So I live near the Fairgrounds and flew over to see if anyone was round and people were hanging out at the end and cleanup of HammiFari (which was a great time, sad to see the Hammi's go!) So I stopped in.

Discussion turned to the mechanical bull at Bellis Blues and Prudence rolled up her sleeves to challenge the bull. Well, it was super fun but the leaderboard was unimpressed with us.

Until a mouse appeared. It was like the Bruce Lee of animals riding animals. It showed us all a better way and then was gone. Because, after cracking the top three, the mouse left. Just like that. Mic Drop (from mouse height, no one was hurt).

Thank you Bellis Blues Cafe for a great time!!! Want fun? Go and challenge the bull yourself!