Fiona Fei's Shui Mo Gallery

 I went to the fantasy fair* with my friend and she introduced me to the art of Fiona Fei. 

And then quite literally a few weeks later I got to actually meet Fiona Fei at the Slenderman Gallery July Fireworks event. 

And then today Becca Obvious discovered it all again.

I was looking to go back to Aural to get another pic to Flickr and got distracted in the destination guide by Fiona Fei's gallery. "Oooooo!" I said and went there.

And I loved it so much I IM'd my friend who assured me that I hadn't discovered anything new, this gallery is in fact where it begins for being a Fiona Fei Fan. Slurl.

Fiona's work is amazing and as I was trying to express to my incredibly patient friend, I am intimidated when I try to take pics of it because I can never seem to capture how awesome it it! So it was a relief to read this part on the notecard about the gallery;

 I wanted to take full advantage of Second Life's virtual environment to provide a new perspective on this traditional art style by adding depth, making what has traditionally always been portrayed as 2D pieces into 3D art.  When the viewer looks into the art, they are looking into a 3D space, and depending on the angle they are viewing it from, the art changes.

Mission accomplished. I absolutely loved walking around the Fantasy Faire* exhibit and loved walking around her gallery as much today. To my delight there are lil dance machines and you can actually dance among the art.

So, as you can well imagine I am very nervous as this sounds like actual information, and my blog specializes in the vague and possibly misleading. But I do have to copy and paste this part from the notecard too;

Shui Mo, meaning "ink" in Chinese, is an art gallery and a series of installations called the "Shui Mo series" that I have created in the style of Chinese ink brush painting, depicting a common theme or landscape seen in many traditional Chinese paintings. 

So here's a solid "Please go visit this place, you'll love it!" recommendation that I should have written back in June or July, or earlier if I had found this amazing gallery. Slurl.

*yes I plan to try all the spellings, one of them has to be right. It's only fare.