One Year of SLuggle

Please allow me to begin this post with a huge thank you to the people that come to read this.

Thank you. Sincerely. 

I really, really, really love it when someone mentions something from my blog in conversation. I love it when people IM me to say that something I said really spoke to them, and of course I love and appreciate the people who just offer their support as I sit here in the rinse cycle of my nervous breakdown or mid-life crisis or whatever this is.

I started The Sluggle a year ago, in late July of 2020, because my best friend was in a bad break-up.

Yep. True story. Also, it was a fashion-bargain blog.

So this post is already ahead of schedule as most Sluggle posts contain no new or interesting facts!

As I said a few weeks ago here, I was once a notable SL blogger and my friend was so unhappy and is probably the most stylish person I know, so I thought I would make a fashion blog, get her started and be a good friend.

A year later and she is just fine and never posted a single word. 

To a different friend whose life I screw up all the time trying to be helpful I recently said that "I try to brush your hair and end up poking you in the eye instead." I really need to learn to stay in my own lane.

But, I kept going with the Sluggle anyhow and I'm glad. 

The posts that people actually reach out to say stuff about are the real ones. I'm sure that you're all grateful for my post about the rez zone on some island, but the ones I'm hearing about from you are the ones that are truly from my heart.

Those of you that know me hopefully know that while the whole blog is actually about me, I don't like to be the center of attention. This post is not about how far we've come in a year, I do not like to congratulate myself- this post is about how far I have to go still. 

Here's why.

The other day the cover picture on my story about Mindful Cove was blurry. Same had been true with the story about Fiona Fei's gallery. No matter what I tried I could not get those pics to render correctly at any resolution. As I said to one friend, I was having a very bad tech hair day.

Then, in the middle of scratching my head about that, I had my Bryn Uh-Oh moment.

Backing up a bit. I went to blog an art installation late last year and we were supposed to (I think) wander around and experience all these super cool environments and stuff but I went through it a few times and am pretty sure I did something wrong each time because I never saw the gift shop at the end. I blogged it, but was never comfortable that I actually understood what the hell I was doing.

So the other day I realized I need to get out there and try one of these immersive experiences again. I do have a brain, I should try and use it once in a while. 

So I went to Aural by Bryn Oh and Morlita Quan. I loved it, but again I was pretty sure I was not getting the whole picture. There was one point where I kept falling through the floor, and another point where I had to walk quite a ways to get to the next exhibit.

I was not gonna judge it, maybe I just don't understand it. I kept walking and wrote a wonderful review.

So I was trying to figure out why my latest posts weren't looking pretty and I heard from Bryn Oh. THE Bryn Oh. (And omg what a super nice person!)

I'm not name dropping on purpose here, I'm correcting my post from the other day AND name dropping, because Bryn very nicely told me that unless I had seen the exhibit last month, I probably saw bits and pieces of the next exhibit by a completely different artist, not the actual Aural exhibit.

Bryn Oh was incredibly nice but because of my current state of mind, in my head I translated her words into a total fail of a review. 


I tell this story even though it reflects terribly on me because this was a real wake-up call for me. 

When I started this blog I wrote for one person, and now I still do, but many many other people are also reading. I owe it to you, dear reader, and to the artists and builders everyone whose stuff I write about, to pull my head out of my butt and get some facts right from time to time. 

As for the picture issue- I believe I changed my picture settings or something and the overall file size total exceeded whatever Google allows here per blogger post. As a result I'll be trying to have some posts with few pics from time to time and see if that helps.  

So this is a new Sluggle, I'll try and keep the tone light and will still review concerts and bikinis and some of the parties I attend but will be mixing in some more articles from my heart because my heart has a lot to say right now I think, and I will also be trying out some new art exhibits. 

Hopefully I'll get it right some day.  Thank you all for reading and for putting up with me. ♥

Oh! and here is what Aural was supposed to look and sound like. Thank you to Bryn Oh for sharing this;