Thank Yew~!

 If you read this blog then you know there have been many and frequent posts of pics and naswerts from the waterpark this summer over the past couple of months here on The SLuggle so I am especially sad that the official big closing party was yesterday.

I was a green-around-the-ears Belli newbie when the Big Splash Oasis opened and now, two months later, I'm still an idiot, but I've been to a lot more parties now and even DJ'd a couple. I loved the waterpark and am already looking forward to next summer even as I write this perched on a waterslide at the Fairgrounds.

I want to once again thank ஜTheBellisseriaHamsterஜ and Varistentia Varriale for their hard work and late nights and the cost in time and treasure as well as their remarkable talents in bringing us this waterpark. Theirs is a generosity of spirit that wows me. Thank you ♥