The Redwood Grove

I swear it's not because he blogged about the Riverbridge Café (but I will shamelessly link to it!)

Ok, well maybe it is but only sort of-  here's the story.

I had a chance to go see Cranston Yordstorm the other night with my incredibly wonderful friend BJoy. I knew Cranston's name as a blogger but had no idea he could sing. 

Wow can he sing!

So BJoy and I were talking and she says that Cranston has an amazing place called The Redwood Grove and I need to go see it. And also, by the way, the Toothsome Wench!

Well! I know that place! Finally my blogging uh, hem, haha "career" pays off!

Yes, I blogged the Toothsome Wench ages ago with all the excruciating detail and long-winded description you love- here. Well now we know the owner can sing and not much else thanks to me. 

And he can blog!

And, it turns out, make cool places.

Which is why this blog post is not because Cranston blogged Riverbridge, it's because The Redwood Grove is really cool.

I mean it is "I have a treehouse AND a pirate ship AND a train" cool.

I'm not making that up. You need to go see this this place. It is a slice of awesome plus redwood trees. 

I know. Becca please stop talking so you can go. 

There's stuff to do scattered around like the waterslide (I figured you'd see that one) and other cool gadgets, gizmos and sundry amusements. Lots of stuff to click and do or you just can ride the train, chill out, and ALSO get your passport stamped!

I plan on going back again and roaming, looking for the elusive fountain of awesome that Cranston is clearly drinking out of. 

I almost didn't link to the blog article because it makes my scrawl look so shabby. I mean, who would have thought that complete sentences and organized ideas could make such a difference? 

He can sing, blog, has a  club, a tavern, a train and a pirate ship and now a fan over here at The Sluggle!

Slurl to The Redwood Grove!!