Do not engage with puppets


So- how amazing is this?

I was blogging What's Lost Spirits toward the end of October, (that fabulous post lives here), and that very night I got to meet the owner, creator, awesomesauce-ladler Stabitha, who pointed me toward her website where there's lore.

Yes, Lore. 

I had no idea what she meant, which is not a new feeling for me as you all know. 

So what I did understand was that she wanted me to write a story for her website based on it and she is super funny and her energy is infectious so I really wanted to do it.

But. This was back during Hammieween and I had a show to DJ at the Fairgrounds to overthink and Halloween in general was happening and I actually had things I was gonna blog so I knew if I didn't sit right down and do it then, I probably would forget.

 So I wrote a story. That night.

Other than this blog and grocery lists I haven't written much of anything creative in years and I really really enjoyed doing it.

Then, all that Halloween happened and I talked to Stabitha about the story and she was really excited about it and I took a picture of myself to illustrate the story and sent it over and was REALLY excited by how enthused Stabby was about this whole thing.

Then she went radio silent... until the other day.

Now, while that part of the tension builds let me tell you about this Lore thing.

First- You can find it here at the What's Lost Spirits website. I was blown away, and there's so much there you might wanna wait till the end of this before you go so here's a nutshell summary;

It's amazing.

So. Not so nutshell summary- In the dream state there are people with powers not dreamt of in our philosophy. Walkers, Dreamers, Usurpers, and they use Sigils and Portals and all kinds of things with defined scopes and back-stories.

The thing that drew me most is that it speaks to the creative process, which I really enjoy- we all create our own brain "bubble world" each night when we dream, and to address the possible magic there is a wonderful concept that can also mirror the process of creating things in this real world or this virtual SL world. 

The Lore is vast and awesome and when you read it with the idea of writing something that fits in with it, you'll see why I wanted to jump in with both feet but at that point I knew I was really crunched for time so I pushed the one button that didn't have much of a label yet; puppets. 

Here's what it said about Puppets;

Puppets: Do not engage with puppets. Not to be confused with Poppets. They are most likely to carry parasites or have ulterior agendas. Entities that display malicious intent are often trapped in these. They are also very creepy.


If that's not a huge "do not go here" sign I don't know what is, so in the true spirit of Halloween I ran right straight into the scariest room with the chainsaws on the wall and wrote a story about puppets.

I gave Stabby permission to publish it on her site and she's not yet ready but when she does I'll link to it or republish here, but I'm intentionally teasing this here because it's going to be a slice of marvelous between two slices of yes please. It's totally going to be worth the wait, because...

The other day Stabby dropped two of the coolest things I've ever seen on me with a Bwahahahahaha.

She's told me some details, she's making a whole thing around them, it's really really really going to be cool.

Stay tuned. 

In the meantime go see What's Lost Spirits in-world or Flickr, or, Zone88 in-world. Here's the landing area of the website to read the stories that are up there already and here is the delicious marketplace to see the cool stuff first hand. 

And don't mess with puppets.