Bugs and Things by Cica Ghost

As any of you that have read this blog for a while know, I'm quite wet behind the ears about Art, but I do know what I like and I have always liked the work of Cica Ghost. 

She has a new show going right now and it is very different than what we've seen in the recent past in a number of ways. This is not her usual full island of huge figures but rather a very small and built-to-avatar-scale presentation! 

Cica's Bugs and Things is at the D71 gallery (SLURL) and will be there through December and you really should go see it. The characters standing around casually in the picture above are just delightful, their hand-paws jauntily in a pocket, eyes darting about, their facial expressions making you wonder about their story. You will love them, I do.

And how about a Cica Ghost living room set? How much fun would that be, perched under the only cute spider in any world.

Do yourself a fun favor and go see Bugs and Things. You'll meet some wonderful new creatures from Cica!