How I Spent my Summer Vacation

OMG! You waited for me! Awwwwww :)

So I want to first-off thank you if you reached out to check on me, it truly made me smile and it felt great to be missed! <3

So, now... there is no way I can catch up with all the things that happened this month and I will feel like a grifter if I post ten awesome snapshot of things I did because I would be leaving out twenty other things I did whilst on my blog-cation.

I truly didn't plan to not-blog, it just kinda didn't happen and as the number of inquiries into my well being mounted, I thought I should wave and say I'm fine, and back, and ready to put my blogger hat back on. 

So rather than play catch-up I will start fresh with a snap I took at my fantasy house. This was right before GoH madness set in fully, so I still had a fantasy house then! 

After my Game of Homes foray, I have several beautiful places and a general queasiness about the whole Bellisseria home thing- I don't need this many homes, please game gods make me stop. And yet I love them. 

Some houses are breathtaking. Many, many are just meh. And yet the process by which they are released is murky and shady, and yet if you roll the dice enough, you will probably get a gorgeous place eventually.

It's really confuzzling and the basis of a month's worth of writer's block followed by another month of navel gazing.

For example, they STILL haven't released the two most gorgeous regions on "Bird Lake," The Hut and Brambles. They were releasing log homes for weeks then got down to the really nice ones, skipped them and went to release gorgeous Victorian homes instead. Seriously, there's too much method for this to be madness. 

I don't know why they do it this way and really wish they would explain it.

And yet, using the alts I had upgraded to play GoH, I landed three or four absolutely amazing properties in addition to the log homes we were fishing for. They really are out there and available, so again, this blogger calls it a push and skips off down the lane and looks forward to her next adventures...

and I hope you do too! Thanks for reading, I promise to be back here soon  <3