Not Today, Satan

So the other day I was going to post this Vic I got in Charity Ridge as part of my series of "This is what you can get from Bellisseria Game of Homes" Series. Here's the original post in fancy italics script.

Here's another Vic I got playing Game of Homes. 

It's funny because when I select "Victorian" in my mind I always see one sitting on a cliff in Wuthering Heights but my brain knows I'll probably get one that sucks.

Well! Got this cutie in Charity Ridge instead. Not crazy about the name of the region, it sounds like there should be a creepy orphanage or some Stephen King thing about to happen but my goodness look at the land surrounding it! 

Here's a SLurl to see Charity Ridge.

So I never hit Publish on it because it's not that great a home and I've published a few Vic Pics already this week, so I saved it off to the side in case writers block or general laziness or another great Netflix series keeps me from SLuggling in the near future.

And I thought to myself- this Game of Homes thing is great because I get to see a lot of homes and real estate, and I'm not really tempted to keep any of the places I've found so far.

Then I got this one, the frickin' aforementioned house on a cliff

I must admit I've been tempted to keep this one both times I've visited, it is a prime location in Tingsbury. Slurl

This was a great offer, Satan, I was very tempted and almost kept it, but not today, still downsizing!