SLEA Art Collaborations ArtSplash!

We all love all-star games, yes? Or television series crossovers where your favorite characters are now walking into another show's story. It's like all the good things in life in the same glorious place.

So that is just what happened with Art Splash.

My friend Ceakay Ballyhoo was working furiously on a bunch of projects last month and through my usual bumbling method of conversation I discovered she in one of the projects, she was working with two of my other friends Tintin and Suzen Juel! It's like an all-star game, I love all these people!

Well I couldn't wait to see this and was blown away when I visited. I am notoriously bad at navigating through Art installations, but I just spent an hour paddling around a region with an ever changing sky and glorious landscapes straight out of whatever magical things create imagination. 

As I paddled around watching the water reflections of  the changing sky and looking at the beautiful and colorful flora and fauna I kept getting the Beatles song Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds in my head- I was in a boat on a river with tangerine trees and marmalade sky. 

The other thing I noticed is that there's stuff by other people too and then sure enough, the notecard that one gets with arrival here explains that this is a collaborative art project around the theme water and sound.

It's glorious, it's like paddling around in your favorite Dr. Seuss story. Go here and try this. SLURL to the ground level of  Art Splash,  and also a shout-out to SLEA for their continued efforts to facilitate and encourage Art in Second Life.