Get your CyberPunk on

 There's not enough cyberpunk in SL, or cyber, tech and scifi for that matter. So I'm doing my part and blogging the CyberPunk Fair for some tech shopping.

Now, it comes with some caveats because I still have no idea if I saw the whole thing. The layout is a bit odd- many of the stores are on the main level of the event landing area but then there's a whole bunch of stores scattered around above the main floor in little clusters with a lot of walking on ramps in between. 

A lot of the stores have some great stuff out and I browsed it on Seraphim but that doesn't really do it justice because so many of the stores also have other great things out that are not listed there. I've been a cybertech junkie for a few months and even I found a few things that made me squeal.

Here's a Slurl, enjoy!