Nothing Rhymes with Oukranos- Special Guest Star!

 I wanted to do a quick bikini haul- my friends looked so shiny and bright- and one took the bait and joined me. I wanted to do something I hadn't done in a while so we started at Oukranos with the idea of going to the mainland but I couldn't remember the name of the place on the mainland that is real close.

Or, actually, I thought I remembered it and didn't see it on the list. But now that I just looked on my blog here, I did not look for the name Unity Pelican and so it well could have been there. As I frequently note, names are more slippery now that I'm 6 thousand years old.

Anyway, we did a GTFO run from Oukranos to Port Cullis. We hung out and took pics at Port Cullis then shopped. And my friend brought her bunneh.