Uri Jefferson's FREAKSHOW!



I don't usually just borrow people's flickr pics but this one seems to be an advertisement, will provide you with a slurl, and you'll land in the middle of Uri Jefferson's very impressive Flickr pics, so I firured Uri would be ok with this one.

My friend and I went to the Freakshow today and yes, I will be going back soon. As you can see from Uri's picture above (yes, that is the actual landing area view!) the whole build is just amazing. We went to Forgotten Souls yesterday and Millbank the other day, and of course Moochie's. Honestly, if these Halloween builds get any more impressive I'm gonna suggest we start taking days out of September and stuffing them into October so we can get more Halloween season.

The build itself is amazing, the colors are strong but beat-up like a real carnival and myself and my trusty travelling companion both agree that it really is eerily like the fairs and carnivals we attended in our respective parts of the world years ago. The "Freak Show" aspect of fairs and carnivals was still around when I was a kid, and this build definitely captures that spirit.

Moar pics! (after the jump)
Adult content warning about the place (after the jump)
Slurl (yes, you guessed it)

Warning. There is a lot of adult content here. Obviously a "Freak Show" should not be allowed to be seen by impressionable young people, but along with that there's a good amount of sex stuff on the sim, most seems relegated to the house area outside the park itself. 

In the house on the right in the pic below there are a lot of very adult animations so be careful what you sit on! Don't miss the house, though, there's a lot of great stuff to see. 

There are a LOT of "freaks" on display but I'm not entirely sure it would be right to show them here as it seems like they might be working for tips at the carnival. You should go see them yourself!

If horror and freaks and cool builds are your thing, I can't recommend this place enough!