How to Spend Your Halloween!

 Here we are in the home stretch, Halloween Eve (All Hallow's Eve Eve?) is here and there are so many wonderful choices of places to go and get your scare on.

For pictures, try

 Millbank (link to sluggle post)  -Very dark lighting but some great backdrops, ride a Pennywise style red balloon around a sim built by the Moles.

Forgotten Souls (link to sluggle post) -A very cool collection of great backdrops, from rainsoaked graveyards to zombie bunkers.

Uri Jefferson's Freakshow (link to sluggle post)  Beatifully weird set-up with woods, cemetery. freak show, house and more. Check out the Uri Jefferson group in flickr for a photo contest going on right now!

For general Halloween vibe;

Moochies- Halloween threw up here, it's pure Halloween excess. 

For a great ride;

The Halloween Tour-  This was an absolutely amazing ride.

So I have TONS of pics from the last month, here's to Halloween leftovers!

There were a LOT of amazing other places like both Imaginarium builds and Salem, too many to mention. Check out the Sluggle for the last month if you're still looking for a cool place!

Pics follow, enjoy!